Keurig Troubleshooting: How to Fix Add Water Error When Tank is Full

It happens to the best of us. You roll out of bed, still half-asleep, and shuffle into the kitchen to start your morning coffee routine. Desperate for your first sip of that piping hot, delicious Keurig elixir, you fill the reservoir and start brewing, only to discover the dreaded “Add Water” error flashing on the otherwise reliable machine. The Keurig is convinced that there’s not enough water for a cup of coffee, but you know better – you just filled the tank! Panic ensues. What is this sorcery? Fear not, fellow caffeine connoisseurs, because we have the answers. Read on to learn how to troubleshoot, fix the perplexing Add Water error when the tank is full, and reclaim your morning cup of sanity.

Understanding The Add Water Error Message

Keurig Troubleshooting: How to Fix "Add Water" Error When Tank is Full

One of the most common issues Keurig coffee maker users face is the “Add Water” error message, even when the reservoir has sufficient water. This error is not a cause for concern, as it can be easily resolved by performing a few simple steps. As a Keurig coffee maker is an electronic device, it’s essential to understand that it relies on sensors and components to work efficiently. In some cases, the error message indicates that the water reservoir is not seated properly or the water isn’t of the right quality.

As a Keurig user, it’s necessary to ensure that the water reservoir is properly placed in the base and clean. Sometimes, using distilled or spring water may also cause the error, as the water level sensor requires a solid matter to function efficiently, which is absent in distilled water. Using bottled, purified water is recommended to avoid any such issues with your machine. Additionally, regular maintenance and replacing the water purifier filter when needed can prevent this error message from appearing frequently.

The Common Causes Of The Add Water Error Message

The Keurig “Add Water” error message can be frustrating, especially when the water tank is full. Here are four common causes behind this issue and their respective solutions:

1. Improper Seating of the Water Reservoir: If the water reservoir is not seated properly in its base, you might encounter this error. Remove the reservoir, empty it, and clean it thoroughly. Fill it up again with fresh water and place it back in the base, making sure it’s properly seated.

2. Need for Descaling: Regular maintenance is essential for your Keurig brewer. If you haven’t descaled your unit in a while, the error message could indicate it’s time for a cleaning. Descale your Keurig brewer using a recommended descaling solution or white vinegar, and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.

3. Type of Water Used: Keurig machines are sensitive to the type of water used. Distilled water often lacks minerals that help trigger the water level sensor. Instead, use filtered or bottled water, avoiding spring water.

4. Stuck Water Level Sensor: The sensor at the bottom of the water tank could be stuck, causing the error. Gently shake the water reservoir or move the magnetic sensor at the bottom of the tank. This should help reset the sensor and resolve the issue.

How To Fix “add Water” Error When Tank Is Full?

If you’re facing the “Add Water” error on your Keurig coffee maker even when the tank is full, don’t worry; it’s a common issue that can be easily resolved. First, ensure the water reservoir is correctly placed and securely attached to the coffee maker. Sometimes, the error message can be caused by an improperly seated reservoir, and reattaching it can fix the problem.

In case the error persists, it’s possible that the water-level sensor in the reservoir is malfunctioning or obstructed. To address this, remove the water tank, empty it, and clean it with mild dish soap and warm water. Pay special attention to the area where the sensor is located, usually at the bottom of the tank. Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently clean the sensor, being cautious not to damage it.

After cleaning, rinse the reservoir thoroughly and fill it with fresh water before reattaching it to the coffee maker. If the “Add Water” error message still appears, try resetting the machine by turning it off, unplugging it, and waiting a few minutes before plugging it back in and turning it on.

Should none of these steps resolve the issue, it may be best to contact Keurig customer support for further assistance. They will guide you through additional troubleshooting steps or help you determine if the machine needs replacing.

Floater In Water Reservoir Is Stuck

To resolve the “Add Water” error when the tank is full due to a stuck floater in the water reservoir, follow these simple steps:

First, unplug the Keurig coffee maker from its power source to ensure safety while working with the reservoir. Then, remove the water tank from the machine by lifting it up and off the base.

Next, examine the water reservoir for the floater, which is usually a small, plastic, disk-shaped piece located near the bottom of the tank. The floater helps the machine detect the water level, and it may become stuck in place for various reasons, such as mineral buildup or debris.

To dislodge the stuck floater, gently shake the water reservoir, or use a non-abrasive utensil like a plastic spoon to nudge it free. Be careful not to apply too much force, as this may damage the floater or the reservoir.

Once the floater is free and moving easily within the reservoir, thoroughly rinse the tank with warm, soapy water to remove any debris or mineral buildup. Refill the tank with fresh water and place it back into the machine, ensuring it is seated properly.

Finally, plug the Keurig coffee maker back into the power source and turn it on. The “Add Water” error should now be resolved, and your coffee maker is ready to use.

Air Stuck In Overflow Tube

When you see the “Add Water” error message on your Keurig, even though the water tank is full, there is likely an issue with the water flow. This problem is typically caused by air trapped in the overflow tube, and you can take a few easy steps to resolve it on your own.

First, turn off and unplug your Keurig machine. This will ensure your safety while you troubleshoot the issue. Remove the water reservoir from the unit, and dump out any remaining water.

Next, locate the overflow tube at the bottom of the water reservoir, which is usually a small, clear plastic or silicone tube. Gently wiggle the tube, making sure not to dislodge it completely. This action will help release any trapped air bubbles inside the tube.

Once you’ve checked the overflow tube, refill the water reservoir with clean, fresh water. Make sure that the water level is within the designated fill lines on the side of the reservoir. Ensure that you are using filtered or bottled water, as tap water might contain minerals that can clog your Keurig.

After refilling the water reservoir, place it back in the Keurig, ensuring that it is seated correctly and securely. It may help to give the unit a gentle shake to help any remaining air bubbles rise to the top of the reservoir.

Finally, plug the Keurig back in and turn it on. Wait for the display to indicate that the water has heated and the machine is ready to brew. If the “Add Water” message persists, repeat the steps mentioned above.

Remember that if the issue continues, it may be best to consult your Keurig’s user manual or contact Keurig’s customer service for further assistance. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning and descaling, can help prevent issues like this from occurring in the future.

Add Water Light Won’t Come On

Are you struggling with your Keurig machine displaying the “Add Water” error message despite the water tank being full? Don’t worry! Here’s an easy and quick guide to help you resolve this issue and get back to enjoying your favorite coffee.

First, ensure that the water tank is properly seated and in the correct position. Sometimes, slight misalignments can cause the error message to appear even when the tank is full. Gently remove the water tank, clean the base, and reposition it properly.

Next, check the water level sensor inside the machine. If it’s obstructed by debris or stuck, it may not properly detect the water level in the tank. This is usually located at the bottom of the machine where the water tank sits. Gently wipe away any dirt or residue using a soft cloth or cotton swab.

Additionally, try resetting your Keurig machine by unplugging it from the power source and letting it sit for a few minutes before plugging it back in. This simple step can help clear any minor glitches in the system.

Lastly, if the issue persists, consider descaling your Keurig machine to remove any potential mineral buildup that may be affecting the water level sensor’s function.

With these troubleshooting tips, you’ll be able to quickly resolve the “Add Water” error message and enjoy your Keurig coffee machine without any further issues. Cheers to better coffee experiences!

The Filter Needs To Be Replaced.

Keurig coffee makers are a popular and convenient way to enjoy a hot cup of coffee in the morning. However, like any other appliance, they can sometimes present problems. One common issue is the “Add Water” error message, which appears even when the water tank is full. Fortunately, this problem can be easily fixed. Here’s how to replace the filter and solve the “Add Water” error message.

First, ensure the machine is turned off and unplugged before dealing with the water reservoir. This step will keep you safe and prevent any accidents. Next, remove the water tank from the Keurig coffee maker and empty its contents.

Examine the base of the water reservoir for the filter compartment. To access the filter, remove the filter holder and take out the old filter. Keep in mind that the filter should be replaced every two months or after 60 tank refills, as per the manufacturer’s recommendation.

Before inserting the new filter, soak it in water for about five minutes to activate it. After that, rinse it thoroughly under running water for about a minute. Once the new filter is prepared, place it inside the filter holder and reattach the holder to the water reservoir’s base.

Finally, refill the water tank and put it back onto the Keurig coffee maker. Plug the machine back in and turn it on. Allow the appliance to run a cycle to ensure it can now recognize the water level accurately.

By replacing the filter, you can ensure that your Keurig coffee maker will continue to provide you with delicious and hot coffee without any “Add Water” errors. Enjoy your freshly brewed cup of coffee!

The Water Tank Has Cracks.

If you’ve noticed that your water tank has developed cracks, don’t worry, as it is a common issue that can be resolved easily. Here’s a simple guide on how to fix these cracks and prevent potential leaks.

Firstly, thoroughly inspect your water tank and locate the source of the cracks. Pay close attention to the corners and seams, as these are the areas most prone to damage. Please turn off your coffee maker, unplug it, and remove the tank to get a better look. Make sure it is completely empty before proceeding.

Next, clean the cracked area using mild dishwashing soap and water, making sure to remove any dirt, debris, or mineral buildup that may be present. Rinse and dry the tank properly to ensure there is no residue left.

Once the area is clean and dry, apply a small amount of waterproof, food-safe adhesive or sealant specifically designed for plastic repairs. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and cover the entire cracked area. Allow the adhesive or sealant to dry completely before returning the water tank to the coffee maker.

After the adhesive or sealant has fully cured, test the water tank by filling it with water and checking for any leaks. If there are no leaks, you can safely return the tank to your coffee maker and continue brewing your favorite beverages! Remember to keep an eye on the repaired area and address any new cracks that may appear over time.

The Water Level Sensor Is Not In Place.

Sometimes the Keurig coffee maker displays the “Add Water” error even when the water reservoir is full, which can be frustrating. A likely cause for this issue is a misplaced water level sensor. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you fix this problem and get your Keurig back to brewing coffee.

1. Unplug the Keurig machine: Begin by disconnecting your coffee maker from the power source to avoid electric shock while working on the unit.

2. Locate the water level sensor: The sensor is usually attached to the lower part of the water tank. Look for a probe or paddle-like mechanism located on one side of the reservoir.

3. Inspect the sensor: Check if the water level sensor is clean and functioning correctly. If it is dirty, gently clean it using a soft brush or cloth. Make sure not to damage the device during cleaning.

4. Reposition the sensor: If it appears misplaced, gently adjust its position. This can be done by holding the sensor while pushing it back to its original position within the water tank.

5. Fill the water tank: Once the sensor is properly in place, fill the water reservoir to the maximum level and return it to the coffee maker.

6. Plug the machine back in. Reconnect your Keurig to the power source, and try brewing your coffee. The “Add Water” error message should no longer appear, and you can enjoy your cup of coffee again!

Keurig Water Pump Is Broken

If you’re experiencing issues with your Keurig coffee maker, specifically a faulty water pump, don’t worry – there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially fix the issue. It’s important to remember that working with appliances can be dangerous, so ensure you’ve unplugged the machine and allowed it to cool down before attempting any repairs.

Firstly, check if the water reservoir is properly seated and filled to the correct level. If the issue persists, inspecting the water pump itself is time. To access the water pump, you’ll need to remove the bottom panel of the machine. Be cautious, as there may be some residual water inside.

Upon locating the pump, inspect it for any visible signs of damage or blockages. If you can see any obstructions, gently remove them using a pair of tweezers or a small brush. If the pump appears to be in good condition, it’s worth testing its functionality. You can do this by plugging the machine back in and running a water-only cycle while carefully observing the pump’s operation.

If the pump is still not working after these troubleshooting steps, it may be time to consider replacing the faulty component. Replacement water pumps can be found online or at local appliance stores. Once you’ve acquired the new pump, swap out the faulty part and reassemble your Keurig machine.

Should you feel uncomfortable attempting these troubleshooting steps or the issue persists, it’s recommended to consult a professional appliance repair service or contact Keurig customer support for further assistance.

Read more:

Tips To Prevent The Add Water Error Message From Occurring Again

Keurig Troubleshooting: How to Fix "Add Water" Error When Tank is Full

1. Ensure the water reservoir is seated properly: Make sure that the water reservoir is securely placed in the base. A loose or improper fit can cause the sensor to misread the water level, leading to an error message.

2. Clean the reservoir regularly: Keeping the water reservoir clean and free of debris is essential. Please remove it from the base, empty it, and thoroughly clean it. Then refill it with fresh water and place it back in the base. This helps maintain the proper functioning of the sensors.

3. Descale your Keurig machine: Regular descaling is crucial for proper Keurig maintenance. Over time, mineral deposits can build up inside the machine, disrupting the water flow and leading to error messages. Descale your Keurig regularly to ensure it runs smoothly.

4. Use appropriate water: Keurig machines are sensitive to the type of water used. Specifically, they do not work well with distilled water. This is because the sensor that detects the water level requires solid matter to function properly, and distilled water lacks the necessary solids. Instead, opt for filtered water or bottled water (not spring water) for optimal performance. Following these tips can prevent the “Add Water” error message from occurring again, and enjoy hassle-free brewing.

When To Seek Professional Help?

When faced with persistent Keurig troubles, it may be time to seek professional help. Although many minor issues can be easily resolved at home, certain problems may require a more experienced touch. If your Keurig coffee maker continues displaying the “add water” error even after trying recommended troubleshooting methods, it might be wise to consult with a professional.

Before seeking assistance, ensure you have performed all necessary steps to address the issue. This includes checking reservoir placement, cleaning the water tank, using the correct type of water, and descaling the appliance if needed. If the problem persists despite these efforts, it might be a sign of a more complex problem or a defect within the device.

Upon consulting with a professional repair person or contacting Keurig customer service, be prepared to provide specific information about your coffee maker, such as the model number, purchase date, and any attempts that have been made to resolve the issue. These details will help the expert better understand and diagnose any potential problems, guiding them toward an effective solution.


Q: Why does my Keurig keep saying “add water” even when the tank is full?

A: There could be several reasons why this is happening. It could be due to a stuck floater, air stuck in the overflow tube, too much air and dirt in the tubes, or a broken water pump.

Q: How do I fix a stuck floater?

A: Take out the water tank and shake it till the floater comes loose. Then fill the reservoir again, and the “add water” light should disappear.

Q: What should I do if the water tank dispensing hole is clogged?

A: Take out the water reservoir and pour out the water. You can take a brush and try to reach it from the inside or put it in the dishwasher. Clean the other side with a brush as well.

Q: How can I fix air stuck in the overflow tube?

A: Take off the water tank cap and blow on the silicone tube that is sticking out of the coffee maker in the upper left corner.

Q: How do I clean the tubes in the Keurig coffee maker?

A: Remove the top cover on the front of your Keurig coffee maker. You can pull off the tube that is connected to a white part that gets water to the K-cup. Clean out the tube and blow in it.

Q: What if the “add water” light won’t come on even when the water reservoir is empty?

A: Remove the water tank and gently shake it until the floater comes loose. Be sure to clean the tank afterward to prevent the floater from getting stuck again in the future.

Q: How often should I replace the water filter on my Keurig?

A: The filter is designated to last a specific number of cycles rather than a length of time, so the more often you brew coffee, the more frequently you should replace the filter. Keurig recommends changing it every two months or after 60 tank refills.

Q: What should I do if the water tank is cracked?

A: If the water tank has a hairline crack, it may be possible to use hot glue or soldering iron to fix it. For bigger cracks, you may need to replace the whole tank.

Q: What if the water level sensor is not in place?

A: Check the small floating device at the bottom of the water tank. If it’s stuck, gently move it to ensure it’s properly placed.

Final Thoughts And Recap.

Hope you found this guide helpful in troubleshooting the “Add Water” error on your Keurig coffee maker. If you have any other Keurig-related problems you’d like us to tackle, leave us a comment below. At FITHOUSE CAFE, we want to ensure you can always enjoy a perfect cup of coffee hassle-free.

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