Flat White Vs. Latte: Which One Should You Order?

When ordering your favorite coffee drink, the options can be overwhelming. The Flat White and the Latte are two popular choices that may confuse. While these two drinks have similarities, they also have key differences that set them apart. 

Keep reading if you need help deciding which to order or are just curious about their distinctions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between Flat White vs. Latte drinks to help you make an informed choice the next time you visit your local coffee shop.

The History Of The Flat White And Latte

Flat White Vs. Latte: Which One Should You Order?

The Flat White and Latte are both beloved coffee drinks, but their origins and histories are hotly debated. The earliest documented references to the Flat White date back to Australia in the mid-1980s. One of the claims to its invention comes from Australian barista Alan Preston, who says he was the first coffee shop owner to create the drink and coin the term “Flat White.” However, another New Zealand man named Fraser McInnes claims to have “accidentally” invented the Flat White in 1989. Meanwhile, the latte consists of espresso, steamed milk, and a bit of foam on top. 

Despite their controversies, both drinks are now widely popular and have become coffeehouse staples in various parts of the world.

The Brewing Process Of Flat White And Latte

When it comes to coffee drinks, flat white, and latte are two popular options that are enjoyed by coffee lovers worldwide. The brewing process of these drinks involves steaming milk and pouring it over a shot (or two) of espresso. For a flat white, a single shot of espresso is combined with two shots of steamed milk, while a latte typically features a double shot of espresso and a larger amount of steamed milk. 

Both drinks use the same brewing technique and aeration to create microfoam, resulting in a creamy and smooth texture. To achieve the perfect flavor and texture, it is important to steam the milk to a specific temperature and texture, usually around 55-62°C. 

With some skill and patience, a delicious and satisfying flat white or latte can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere.

Flat White Vs. Latte: A Taste Comparison

There are many options for coffee drinks, and two popular ones are the flat white and the latte. While they might look similar, there are some key differences between these drinks regarding taste. Flat white might be for you if you prefer a stronger coffee flavor. This is because it has a higher coffee-to-milk ratio, and the shots used are ristretto, which means they’re more concentrated. 

On the other hand, if you prefer a milder taste, the latte might be the way to go. It has more milk, which helps calm the espresso flavor and makes it better for pairing with flavored syrups. In terms of preparation, lattes are simpler to make at home, while flat white requires more technique to get the perfect texture. 

When choosing between these two delicious coffee drinks, it comes down to personal preference.

Flat White Vs. Latte: A The Texture Comparison

When it comes to coffee, there are many options to choose from, but two of the most popular drinks are flat whites and lattes. While they may seem similar, they actually have significant differences. The most noticeable difference is the amount of milk used in each drink – lattes typically have more milk than flat whites, which can affect the overall taste and texture of the coffee. 

With its higher ratio of espresso to milk, a flat white boasts a stronger coffee taste and a smoother, velvety texture due to the microfoam created in the steaming process. In contrast, lattes are sweeter and have a lighter, airier texture. 

Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference, but for those who crave a rich coffee flavor with creamy foam, a flat white is a way to go.

Nutritional Differences Between Flat White And Latte

Regarding coffee choices, the latte and flat white are both popular options. However, there are some nutritional differences between the two. A 7.75-ounce latte made with full-fat milk contains 123 calories and 4.4 grams of saturated fat, while the same-sized flat white made the same way also has 123 calories. 

A latte made from whole milk has about 225 calories and 135 calories when made with skimmed milk. On the other hand, a flat white should only be around 160 ml with 120 calories when made with whole milk or 60 calories with skimmed milk. The vast majority of the calories in both coffee drinks come from the milk, not the espresso shot. 

Therefore, if you’re looking for a healthier option, a regular skim latte with 60 calories, five grams of fat, and one gram of sugar may be the way to go.

What Milk Should You Use To Make A Flat White Or Latte?

Regarding coffee, milk is about as important as the espresso itself. For those who enjoy a flat white or latte, the type of milk used can make all the difference. Whole milk is traditionally used in a flat white due to its sweet and creamy taste, whereas lattes typically use semi-skimmed or skimmed milk. 

However, those who prefer a dairy-free option can use plant-based milk such as almonds or oat. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference and experimenting to find the perfect match of coffee and milk. 

So next time you order a flat white or latte, don’t be afraid to ask for your preferred choice of milk.

Flat White Or Latte With Stronger Caffeine?

If you love their coffee strong and with a kick of caffeine, you might wonder whether a flat white or a latte is the better choice. According to factual data, both drinks typically have the same amount of caffeine if made with the same number of espresso shots. 

However, the key difference lies in the amount of milk used. A flat white usually contains 50% less milk, making the coffee flavor more concentrated and giving it a stronger taste. On the other hand, a latte is simpler to make at home and has more milk adding a creamier texture. 

Ultimately, whether you go for a flat white or a latte may come down to your personal taste preference.

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Factors To Consider When Choosing Between A Flat White And Latte

As coffee shops continue to pop up on every corner, the options for espresso-based drinks can be overwhelming. Among the most popular options are the flat white and latte, but choosing between them can be a challenge. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Milk-to-coffee ratio: Flat whites have a higher concentration of espresso per ounce of milk than lattes, resulting in a stronger coffee flavor. Lattes, on the other hand, have a higher milk-to-coffee ratio, resulting in a creamier, sweeter taste.
  2. Milk frothing: Flat whites are generally made with milk that has been microfilmed, creating a velvety texture that blends seamlessly with the espresso. Lattes, on the other hand, are made with milk that has been steamed and aerated, resulting in a thicker layer of foam on top.
  3. Cup size: Flat whites are typically served in smaller cups than lattes, making them a good option for those who want a strong coffee flavor without drinking a large volume of liquid.
  4. Adding flavors: Lattes are more commonly used as a base for flavored syrups, as the milk and added sugar can help to balance out stronger flavors. Flat whites are less commonly used this way, as the stronger coffee flavor can overpower added flavors.
  5. Personal preference: Ultimately, choosing between a flat white and a latte comes down to personal taste. Those who prefer a stronger coffee flavor may opt for a flat white, while those who prefer a creamier, sweeter taste may like a latte. Experimenting with both can help you determine your favorite.

In summary, whether you order a flat white or latte, both offer unique flavor profiles and textural experiences. Consider your preferences and the occasion when choosing between these options next time you visit your favorite coffee shop.

Cultural Differences In Preferences For Flat Whites And Lattes

Flat White Vs. Latte: Which One Should You Order?

Cultural differences significantly affect coffee preferences, especially in the debate between flat whites and lattes. Some countries clearly prefer one over the other, which can be attributed to cultural norms and historical coffee traditions. For example, in Australia, where flat white originated, it is the most popular coffee order. 

Meanwhile, in Italy, where the latte originated, it is the go-to espresso-based drink. The difference in taste and texture between these two drinks is a matter of personal preference and can vary greatly from region to region. 

Ultimately, whether one prefers a creamy, strong flat white or a sweet, milky latte is up to the individual and their own cultural background.

The Verdict: Flat White Vs. Latte – Which One You Should Order

When it comes to ordering a coffee, many options are available, but two of the most popular are the flat white and the latte. While some people may think they are the same drink, they are actually quite different. A flat white is made with textured milk and ristretto shots, while a latte is made with steamed milk and espresso shots. 

The flat white has a stronger coffee flavor and is best enjoyed without any added syrups, while the latte has a sweeter taste that pairs well with flavored syrups. Ultimately, the choice between a flat white and a latte comes from personal preference. Both are delicious drinks that can be enjoyed with one or two espresso shots. 

Whether you prefer a stronger coffee flavor or a sweeter taste, both drinks are sure to provide the caffeine boost needed to start the day off right.


Q: What is the difference between a Flat White and a Latte?

A: A Latte is a coffee drink made with steamed milk and a layer of foamed milk on top. On the other hand, Flat White is a more concentrated coffee drink with a stronger coffee-to-milk proportion.

Q: Which one is better for pairing with flavored syrups?

A: Lattes are better for pairing with flavored syrups due to their higher milk content, which helps balance the sweetness.

Q: Which one has a stronger coffee flavor?

A: Flat White has a stronger coffee flavor due to its lower milk content and concentrated coffee-to-milk proportion.

Q: Are the serving sizes the same for both drinks?

A: Flat Whites are traditionally served in 5 oz tulip cups, while Lattes are typically served in larger cups. However, some coffee shops may super-size their Flat Whites to 12 oz.

Q: Can the milk and coffee be mixed differently in each drink?

A: Both drinks consist of single or double espresso topped with steamed milk. The main difference is how the milk is frothed or mixed with the coffee.

Q: Which drink is more commonly ordered in coffee shops?

A: Caffé Latte and Flat White are among the most commonly ordered espresso-based drinks in coffee shops worldwide.

Q: Which drink is stronger?

A: The Flat White is a more concentrated drink with a stronger taste of coffee than milk, making it stronger than a Latte.

Conclusion And Final Ordering Tips

So there you have the differences between a flat white and a latte. Now it’s up to you to decide which one to order the next time you visit your local café. Do you prefer the stronger taste of a flat white or the creamier texture of a latte? Let us know in the comments below!


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